Tag: MacBook

Giving Thanks to MagSafe

I am in the mood to give thanks this week, so I want to talk about how great Apple’s MagSafe connector is. Introduced less then...

Firmware update for those trackpad issues.

Remember those complaints about the trackpad issues in the new macbook and macbook pro line? Well, it seems like Apple has finally pieced together a...

Macbook and Macbook Pro Memory Upgrades

Looks like the new aluminum MacBooks and MacBook Pros are capable of handling 6 gigabytes of memory total. At least, according to RAMJet. They are...

One week in bed with the MBP.

It’s hard to believe that the new Macbooks and MacBook Pros were just announced just over a week ago. I, like many, rushed out and...

No 7200 RPM Love for the Macbook

I love both my iMac and my, now as most of my stuff seems to be, limited edition Black Macbook. I would love to upgrade...

Upgrade that Mac!

One of the best changes for the new Macbook Pro line-up is the ability to more easily change the hard drive. This has been available...

5 Ways to justify buying that new mac to your wife.

1. Upgrading now, means you won’t have to upgrade later. We all know how tight the budgets get just after Christmas. Chances are you can...

Coal or Gifts aside, Santa Steve was on stage today.

Steve is healthy, and still cracking some jokes on stage about his health. But, he did seem to be making a transition this time around....

Buy that new Macbook in Canada.

New releases or not, what I really want to know is why Canadian prices went up. So the ol’ bait and switch that Apple did...

Macbook Pro video failure…finally resolved?

Does your Macbook Pro exhibit any of these following issues? Distorted or scrambled video on the computer screen No video on the computer screen (or...

Pixelmator? I barely know her!

I know this has been posted here before, but I really felt that it needed to be brought up again. Now I am not a...

Like Frosted Flakes, Fluid is Great!

Do you have a lot of online services that you use all the time? Are you sick of always having to open up a web...

Mac’s are Computers Too!

Back in March of 2006, I made the big jump from the PC/Windows world over to the light side of the Apple Computer world. Since...

Macbook Air Super Drive is only for the Air

I took a nice little walk over to my local Best Buy today, looking for a Wii Fit, but left extremely annoyed. Living in Canada’s...

Which Mac Laptop Should I Buy?

Can anybody find me a laptop to love? I’m in the market for a new laptop. Obviously, I’m going with a Mac. There are three...

Upgrading those new laptops and other Macs

I had a pretty interesting conversation last night (or…really early this morning) over AIM with someone who’s looking to upgrade to a Mac in the...

Rumour mill is saying new macbooks/pros are on route.

Nothing scares me more then upgrading my Mac gear. I’m so excited to upgrade, but every time I venture over to Apple.com I get this...

Intelligent Editorial: Apple Secrets They Don’t Want You To Know

Hmmmm… It seems to me that many Apple users do NOT know many different secrets about Apple! I, as a Mac user for less than...