Tag: MacBook

Whither Nvidia? Apple to use Intel “Sandy Bridge” in future MacBooks

According to CNET’s Brooke Crothers, writing on nanotech: the circuits blog, Apple is poised to incorporate Intel’s new Sandy Bridge line of processors in its...

Apple expected to ship 1 million MacBooks per month Q4 2010

1 Million. 1 Meeelyun. Just think about that for a moment. Every month, on average, 1 million MacBooks are finding a good home, all around...

Flash could kill 2 hours of your battery time

A really interesting article surfaced yesterday night about Flash and how it could reduce battery life on the MacBook Air by 2 hours. Ars Technica...

Sensitive when wet: new MacBook Airs contain high number of moisture sensors

If you’ve ever gone through the heartbreaking experience of accidentally dropping your iPhone into a toilet, you know what the outcome is. You stop by...

MacBook firmware update addresses battery problems

If you have a Macbook from 2007-2008, run your Software Update. Apple has released a firmware patch that clears up some bugs with your battery....

Macbook Pro dropped at 195 mph and still boots

A motorcycle enthusiast  went for a ride on his bike with his Macbook Pro in his backpack. During his ride, the zipper on his backpack...

Apple’s kicking ass with students

Someone a lot smarter than I am once told me that the best way to track trends in computer sales is to take a stroll...

Full HDMI support comes to the updated MacBook

On Tuesday Apple quietly updated the Polycarbonite MacBook.  This is the white plastic Macbook.  To give us the 411 on what was updated, Wayne Dixon...

White Macbooks: New Innards, Same Look

Apple has very quietly upgraded the white unibody polycarbonate MacBooks to more closely match the shiny aluminum MacBook Pro line. This update was so quiet...

First U.S. High School to buy iPads for their students.

Imagine schools without books, or calculators, or paper.  Kind of strange, huh.  What’s a school without these core items?  Now imagine schools where all this...

My first week with the iPad

When I got my iPad last week I made a conscious decision to only use my iPad instead of my MacBook for all of my...

Blogger Bob says, “Your iPad has been approved for Travel.”

Now that you have your shinny new iPad, you are going to want to take it on trips with you. The TSA, might make you...

MobileMe synchronization gone awry

I use MobileMe to keep my data synced on all my Macs that I use.  I like the fact that I can go from Mac...

ProTouch, Protection for your Keyboard

It’s no secret that I am an advocate for protecting your gadgets. This is true for iPods, iPhones and even your Macbooks, Macbook Pro, and...

Snow Leopard’s Release is Just Around the Corner

Who’s ready to upgrade to Snow Leopard?  With only days before it goes on sale, you might be asking yourself, will Snow Leopard work on...

Don’t Look at your Battery Meter

I find my eyes glued to the battery meter on my iPod Touch and my MacBook Pro. “Oh, I better not watch that video podcast....

WWDC Ruminations

Like what I strongly suspect, most Apple fans who couldn’t make it to this year’s WWDC in San Francisco did this morning, I sat at...

Whither my apps?

I am not a geek. I’m a Mac fan and have been since 1984. For years, I and others were relegated to the netherworld of...