Tag: Facebook

Halfbrick acquires Onan Games to bring Fruit Ninja, Jetpack Joyride to the web

Halfbrick Studios, the creator of Fruit Ninja and Jetpack Joyride for iOS, just made the smartest move they could have made with the limited grant...

Facebook rolls out new iOS client app controls for developers

Facebook has rolled out some “iOS native deep linking” controls for developers today, giving developers better tools to link their applications to Facebook and vice...

Employees rate Apple, Facebook, Google top ten companies to work for today

Apple, Google, and Facebook employees have spoken loud and clear about how they feel about their employers. According to a study by Glassdoor, all three...

Facebook absorbs Gowalla, and then kills it off

Josh Williams of Gowalla, the moment sharing platform, authored a slightly vague yet decisive blog post this morning.  The short and skinny of it is...

How-To: Update Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ with Siri

  Some of you might still be in the dark as to how to make Siri do your social work. In other words, getting the...

Google+ update brings hangouts to iPhone

When Google+ for iPhone launched, we were pretty amped on it, but noted the obvious lack of Hangouts. We felt that Hangouts was one of...

Skype for Mac Beta drops with Facebook integration, leaves out video?

Skype, Skype, Skype…  We need to have a chat.  Apparently you are under the impression that people want Facebook integration, and you may be right....

Facebook updates iPhone app to 3.5, iPad still out in the cold

Facebook has released version 3.5 of their iPhone app, which is sadly, still only an iPhone app. The App Store page lists several improvements and...

Liking RAGE on Facebook will make it free for a week

Got Facebook? Want a free game? Get liking RAGE, the 2010 shooter from DOOM creators, id Software. The iOS version (including the iPad HD version)...

Unreleased Facebook iPad app extracted from published iPhone version

Hiding things in plain sight is a pretty decent strategy unless you’re dealing with software. Facebook has just proven that to be true as TechCrunch has...

EA claims PopCap Games is safe; we remain unconvinced

Whenever a big company like EA tells you everything is going to be ok, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. With its purchase of...

Project Spartan rumored to be the awesome release Zuckerberg teased last week

Droves of digital farm hands have been clamoring around a statement from Mark Zuckerberg all week.  The founder of Facebook revealed that something “awesome” would be launching...

Facebook rumored to bring native iPad app to market next week

The iPad may not be a mobile device in the opinion of Mark Zuckerberg, but it’s a big enough force to be reckoned with that...

Facebook security increase on the horizon as they hire famed iPhone hacker Geohot

Resulting in another “pro” being added to the list of pros and cons of being a world famous hacker, George Hotz has been hired to...

Facebook is about to release an optimized iPad app

The Internet was in a bit of a rage when Facebook announced that they didn’t consider the iPad a mobile device back in November, and...

Is Facebook looking to release its own mobile platform?

Social Network giant Facebook is reportedly working with about 80 developers to create a new mobile experience for its users. The so-called “Project Spartan” platform...

Facebook’s secret iPhone photo sharing app uncovered

TechCrunch has uncovered what is purported to be a new iPhone photo sharing app from Facebook. They only have this one screenshot up right now,...

Sparrow now offers social email

I’ve been a big fan of Sparrow since I tried the free version when it first came out. Since those days it has made an...