Wait, TiVo is still around? Apparently it might be include with the AppleTV

As a Canadian I don’t really care much about TiVo.  It’s one of those technologies that haven’t been brought to Canada, and it’s still unclear whether it’s because of arcane laws or a decision by TiVo to leave us out in the cold. I felt like a jilted ex-lover back in 2005, but now, not so much. It’s been hard to really care about a company that doesn’t care about us, so I’ve left behind coverage of their business.

But, they have made their way back onto my radar today with a rumour that TiVo is in negotiations with Apple to include their service in the Apple TV software.  It’s interesting on the surface, but seems extremely unlikely when you stop and think about it for half a second.

Why’s TiVo on the Apple TV unlikely?  Apple’s been negotiating with television executives regarding “rented” television shows on iTunes.  It hardly seems likely that they’re going to bring a service that lets you “TiVo” television, when you can download an episode on demand through iTunes.

Could I be wrong? Sure, it wouldn’t be the first time, but I have a hard time seeing Apple taking these sort of steps with their Apple TV.  It’s taking a step backwards technology-wise, and it seems to be counter-intuitive to everything we’ve been hearing about cloud based services from Apple.

But, it didn’t take long for the news to take its toll on stock prices,  according to Electronista TiVo shares jumped 6.5 percent yesterday. It’s obvious that everything Apple touches turns to gold, but bringing TiVo stock up 6.5 percent has to be a new trophy on Apple’s mantel.  No one’s talked about TiVo in half a decade, or at the very least, since Netflix came along.

Photo Credit: HessieBell

Article Via Electronista

Joshua is the Content Marketing Manager at BuySellAds. He’s also the founder of Macgasm.net. And since all that doesn’t quite give him enough content to wrangle, he’s also a technology journalist in his spare time, with bylines at PCWorld, Macworld… Full Bio