Track Your Weight Tells You if You’re Fat

Pursuing weight loss? Want to make sure you are maintaining a healthy weight? Track Your Weight ($1.99) helps you do that. Every day, use the program and tell it how much you weigh. You’ll be provided with your BMI and it will turn color if you’re underweight, normal, overweight, or obese. Hopefully you’ll be disciplined to lower that BMI if it’s a little too high for your liking.

The cool thing about Track Your Weight beyond BMI tracking is that you can graph your weight on a line graph and export your data to CSV. You also can maintain multiple profiles and see your overall statistics for the day (whether you’ve changed since the previous day, your average change, and how close you are to your goal).

All in all, Track Your Weight is a solid program with valuable health information. It’s simple, easy to use, and is packed with useful features, all of which you will probably find valuable.

Tamar Weinberg is a blogger and author of The New Community Rules (July 2009), a book on social media marketing and how to leverage existing communities for awareness and profit. She is also a new mom.