Apple shows no signs of slowing down with record high close of $423.24 per share

October 5th was a sad day around the world. Steve Jobs, the legendary co-founder and chief executive of Apple, passed away and some wrote off Apple. After all, Steve’s zeal, passion and vision were evident throughout the company. If he was no longer there, what would become of Apple? Nothing but good things it seems. This past Tuesday, Apple Inc. shares reached a record high closing price of $423.24. This comes nearly three months after marking their last peak of $422.24 on Oct. 18.

So what does this mean for Apple? Well, for one thing, Apple remains the second largest company in the world with a market cap of $392 billion. Trailing only Exxon Mobil Corp., which has a market value of $410 billion. Let’s see how the company grows, or shrinks, in 2012. Your predictions?

Via: BusinessInsider

Jared is a web designer with a passion for writing. Co-founded, The Industry & Evomail. Editor at