Macgasm weekly rewind: August 1st Edition

The Macgasm weekly rewind focuses on our original content and reviews that you may have missed the week starting August 1st.

Happy Saturday my little Macgasmites. Are you having a great weekend so far? Did you have a busy week and maybe miss some of our fantastic posts? Well, have no fear. I’m hear to help you out. First let’s have a great big welcome for Corey Tamas. Corey is an non-fanboy type of fanboy, which some of you will love, and some of you will hate. Which ever camp you may fall into, Corey will make you think and you’ll be a better person for it. Speaking of Corey, his first piece for us was how he doesn’t like Lion (yet). Josh Wright was a busy boy this week. He teased us with the thought that we could live in a Flash free world some day, reviewed the Twelve South BookBook for iPhone,  and then he brought us the Skype for iPad announcement. Mr. Schnell jumps on the Final Fantasy Tactics wagon to let us know it has been finally released (maybe that’s why Marco has been missing this week?). Then I wrap up the week with a reader’s photo in my Flickr Find Friday post. Thanks for reading!

Apple Systems Admin for mac-fusion, which is just a fancy name for a tech. For the last 12 years I've been fixing Macs and we specialize in helping businesses run their company on a Mac. If you like Mac tweets,… Full Bio