Tag: tip

Disable “Example is an application downloaded from the internet”

A lot of people, including myself, get quite annoyed by OS X’s “Example is an application downloaded from the internet” dialog box. So, here’s a...

Make iTunes 10s traffic lights horizontal

Apple released iTunes 10 yesterday (September 1st, 2010) and there are two things that I don’t like about it. First, the ugly new iTunes icon,...

Combine Windows in Safari with one keyboard shortcut

One of the powers of OS X is the ability to create shortcuts for any menu item in an application. It’s come in handy before,...

Make those desktop files disappear!

If there’s one thing I absolutely hated doing during recording screencasts, it was cleaning up my desktop so that the world wouldn’t see just how...

Tip: Rename your files quickly

It took me a while to figure out that the best way to rename a file isn’t right clicking and then selecting “Get Info” for...

Automatically Mount Network Drives

Have all your media on one computer, and you want to stream your media across the network to your laptop or media center Mac? Some...

Get access to folders that are locked

Managing multiple user accounts can be a giant pain in the butt. It’s great if you’re sharing the computer with people who know what they’re...

Add color labels to your email with Mail rules

In my ongoing effort to reclaim my inbox, I’ve realized that both smart folders and mail rules can seriously cut down on the clutter. One...

Shedding light on those hidden files that are lurking in the dark.

Nothing annoys me more than backing up files from the sites web server only to find out that my .htaccess file has gone missing. It’s...

Killall is your Friend…if you need to fix a crash or two.

The terminal is a powerful tool. Getting yourself acclimatized to its inner workings is very valuable. If you mastered DOS at any point in your...

Get your file extensions back on the Mac (Leopard, Snow Leopard)

Tired of not seeing the file extensions on your files? I know I am. I’m not sure why this isn’t on by default, and frankly,...

Auto complete text in OS X

If you haven’t realized yet that OS X has a host of hidden features that make lives easier than you need to bookmark our RSS...

Connect to FTP with Snow Leopard and the Finder

Did you know you can access an FTP, or AFP server from the Finder? If you find yourself needing to access one of these file...

Get the size of a group of files with the option key.

Have you ever wanted to get the file size of a group of files in a Finder window but have no freaking clue how to...

Minimizing windows the Snow Leopard way.

If there’s one thing I really envied about Microsofts Vista operating system it was their users ability to minimize their windows in a way that...

Snow Leopard Tip: Get expose from the CMD+TAB dialog.

Here’s yet another Snow Leopard Tip. You know that CMD+TAB trick we’ve all grown to love over the years?  You know, the one that lets...

You can work with a greenscreen in iMovie 09, here’s how!

Since writing our first book review, I’ve received a dozen “please share” emails from people looking to figure out how to get the tools needed...

Option + Click Menubar items gives you secret options.

Not sure if this is a Snow Leopard thing or not, but apparently when you hold down the option key and click on some of...