Tag: photography

Instagram reaches 1 million users

It’s been a million kind of week. Instagram, that hip photo sharing iPhone app that makes your images look like an old Polaroid™ or a...

Official Polaroid Digital Camera App released

This looks fantastic! LoL Software has released the official Polaroid Digital Camera App for the iPhone and iPod touch. Some of the features listed are...

Like apple-centric photography? You’ll love iDesk

There’s a website that I’ve been checking out quite frequently over the last couple of months, and I figure it’s time I let you all...

iPad studio lighting

I’ll admit it. I’ve bumped the brightness up on my iPhone from time to time and used it as a torch. Who needs fancy apps...

The Glif: A potential tripod mount for your iPhone

First, let’s get this out of the way, the product is called The Glif — not the GILF. With every iteration of the iPhone and...

Pro HDR Review (iPhone 3GS)

How familiar does this scenario sound? It’s a bright sunny day, you’re strolling around your neighborhood and you come across a scene that inspires you...

Add flare to your iPhone photos with magnetic lenses

All you snobby photographers need not apply. PhotoJoJo has magnetic lenses for sale that attach to your iPhone and enhance your photos. I can hear...

Why the 3GS fashion shoot is misleading

Sure, the iPhone can take photos, and sure, someone could use it to do a top-end fashion shoot, but there’s a little bit of a...


Camera+ combines several interesting features into one application, making it versatile and fun at the same time. It is a camera, a basic photo editing app (cropping and exposure fixes), a photo effects app, and a photo sharing app.

Polarize & Photonasis – iPhone Photography Review-O-Matic

Thanks to the combined Voltron-esque power of a bad back and some loopiness-inducing pain pills, your Uncle Scott wasn’t able to throw down a review...

Dash of Color adds a Dash of Suck to your iPhone photography – an app review

Last time I reviewed a niche photo-editing app for the iPhone, I went in not expecting too much out of it and was pleasantly surprised...

iPad Camera Connection Kit: As Cute as a Pet Rock but Much More Functional

The iPad Camera Connection Kit comes with a connector for a camera USB cable and a connector for an SD card. In typical Apple minimalistic style, the two connectors are beautiful. They are also really small--perfect for tucking away in your camera case or for losing them somewhere in the chaos that is your house.

FlickrFriend automates your Flickr uploads quite nicely.

Getting your stuff onto Flickr can be a pain, and automatically syncing to Flickr isn’t really something that’s been supported very well.  There’s a sweet...

Denoise: awesome concept in theory, but not so much in reality.

I was lamenting on Saturday night that I was getting seriously tired of grainy photos due to the a serious lack of lighting in my...

iWatermark: Stop letting people rip off your photos.

I just had a client have all their photos stolen from their website, and posted on another website with an intent to sell the exact...