Tag: iPhone OS

Unblock Me: Free Edition Review

I had been using my old iPhone 3G as a glorified iPod touch up until a couple weeks ago, the reason will be known soon...

Apple not eating their own dogfood with iPhone OS applications.

So I was thinking about the update to iPhone OS 3.0: How come Apple doesn’t keep their applications up to date like the rest of...

iPhone OS iPod.app: Does it compare to iPod Classic OS?

I’ve owned an iPod for over 4 years now; my first was a 4GB Green iPod Mini. Since then I’ve owned seven iPods total. Three...

Wolfenstein 3D: iPhone OS Version

The folks over at Id Software, creators of the famed Wolfenstein 3D and Doom franchises have stretched out their famous Wolfenstein 3D franchise to the...

Google Sync for iPhone OS

Google recently introduced a new feature for Gmail users who wish to sync their iPhone contacts with Gmail contacts; Microsoft Exchange Support. It is quite...

iPhone OS Twitter Clients

The iPhone OS has copious choices in terms of twitter applications. Some are free, some are paid. They’re all inherently the same, but some extend...