Tag: Developer

Get Your Color Information From Around The Desktop With Swatch.

There’s been a number of applications that let you get color information from websites or the desktop for quite some time now. Heck, even OS...

Snow Leopard news from WWDC

It’s coming, and we’ve finally got an official word on a release… month. Apple has pegged a release in September, but they were far from...

Whither my apps?

I am not a geek. I’m a Mac fan and have been since 1984. For years, I and others were relegated to the netherworld of...

Home is where the host file is in OS X.

Sometimes we web developers like to edit our websites locally, and then test them on our local machines before we push them out to the...

Compare files with FileMerge.

If you spend most of your day coding, or even looking at copious amounts of text and characters, there’s probably a good chance that you’ve...

Spin Control lets you track down where those applications are crashing

That spinning rainbow beach ball that we’ve all come to love for all the wrong reasons has its own little application. It’s called Spin Control...

Road Movie: Finally a possible Visualhub replacement

The day Visualhub died, I was deeply saddened. A great indie developer was pulling the plug on an excellent product. I’ve spent a lot of...

Oh where, oh where has my push notifications gone? Oh where, oh where could it be?

The self imposed deadline was September of 2008. When the deadline began to slide people started speculating that we would see push notifications in the...

SDK Developer Program a closed beta?

So let me get this straight…people want to develop for the iPhone, people are willing to shell out $99.00 and potentially 30% of their profits...