This Book Syncs And Interacts With Your Computer One Page Flip At A Time

Elektrobiblioteka / Electrolibrary from waldek wegrzyn on Vimeo.

You probably have an e-book reader, but you probably find yourself missing the sweet, sweet feel of a newly minted page on your fingertips from time to time. I don’t read all that much, but I know I miss curling up with a book and shutting out the outside world for a while. Being able to jump from one device to another is something we talk about a lot regarding our content, but what if you could jump from a page in a book, to an e-reader, then back to a book again, having the pages sync with your computer in real time? Or, what if flipping the pages of a book brings up new content on the web in real-time?

The Electrolibrary, a design project by Polish designer Waldek Wegrzyn, is a customized electronic-book that connects to a computer via USB and triggers the computer to react based on page turns in the book. Theoretically, the book could be used to trigger any event on a computer. It could turn the pages of a digital book, pop up related news or explanatory content on the web — the possibilities are endless, really.

This mashup of the digital and tangible worlds is quite extraordinary.

Joshua is the Content Marketing Manager at BuySellAds. He’s also the founder of And since all that doesn’t quite give him enough content to wrangle, he’s also a technology journalist in his spare time, with bylines at PCWorld, Macworld… Full Bio