MeetMe Finds Yelp-Rated Businesses and Connects You with Your Friends

If you’re looking for great places to meet your friends at, MeetMe ($0.99) is a pretty nifty application that lets you do just that. Select a Point A (your current location or a specified location), a Point B, and then choose the type of location you want to meet at, which could be any venue in the Active Life, Arts & Entertainment, Automotive, Beauty & Spa, Food, Health & Medical, Hotels & Travel, Nightlife, Public Services & Government, Religious Organizations, Restaurants, and Shopping categories. The application will choose businesses with Yelp ratings in the near vicinity of both Points A and B and then lets you choose the optimal location to meet with your pals, allowing you to even find locations that are closer to Point A or Point B if desired. You can also email directions from both points to the selected designation.

This is a pretty awesome app since it gives you a wide variety of locations where you can meet your friends, family, or colleagues. The only limitation is that it only lists businesses with Yelp ratings instead of other potential great places that have yet to be discovered by Yelp. This is actually great for Yelp since it encourages people to start entering businesses to be discovered. But at the same time, I’d like to see other venues that are not listed on Yelp at all in the MeetMe system, perhaps denoted by a pin that is not red (as seen in the map screenshot).

If you’re one of those people who likes to visit new places and gets together with friends and family locations often, this is a great place to help you discover these new business locations. It’s great to be able to find an auto repair shop that you can take your vehicle to from home, and that your buddy, who will be picking you up since your car is out of commission, can get to easily with your help without getting lost. It’s great to be able to find a new nightclub that you and a bunch of old high school friends can get to. There’s an unlimited amount of potential for this application.

Tamar Weinberg is a blogger and author of The New Community Rules (July 2009), a book on social media marketing and how to leverage existing communities for awareness and profit. She is also a new mom.