iPad used as protest sign

Well, the iPad is getting used in all sorts of ways. This was spotted at a recent Lithuanian protest. Catch the video below.

This person was filmed holding up their iPad as a protest sign, and it is a pretty good — although expensive — idea. This is just another reason why I love the iPad so much. It really is a device that you can use in a lot of interesting situations.

Just today I was approached by someone who wanted me to take a survey on one, doing away with the old paper clipboard and pen. I actually did the survey as it somehow seemed a little more interesting on an iPad! Another very popular use for the iPad is cooking applications, or as movie players attached to the back of car seats so kids can watch movies on long journeys.

How do you use yours? What other ways can we make this device even more interesting? Have you seen an iPad ‘in the wild’ being used for an alternative or creative purpose?

Article Via TUAW

Chatty Canadian in the UK. Dancing queen in my head. Digital Communications Lecturer. Mac computer fan. Mac makeup fan. iOS developer. Popcorn eater. Was producer & host of quirky app review show Apps & Hats.