Apple Stock Takes a Plunge

It looks as though an unfounded rumor on CNN’s iReport claiming Steve Jobs has had a heart attack sent the Apple stock to 52-week low. The SEC is investigating the source of the rumor. CNN’s iReport is a user driven rumor mill and CNN is not taking any responsibility for the fabricated rumor.

Although this is a rumor, it’s still some pretty scary news. Even the slightest inkling that Jobs’ health is going downhill takes the Apple stock into a nosedive. This is partly because of the uncertainty that is surrounding succession and the ambiguity of Jobs’ present health. All of these factors combine to create a very volatile stock price. Let’s not even mention the economic downturn our country is having at the moment. Investors are looking for a guaranteed profit at this point in the market and it’s frightening to think Apple may not be it.

According to Apple spokesmen, Jobs is healthy as a horse. Obviously, we shouldn’t be worried in the least.

Mattie is a bonafide girl gone geek. Computer Science major by day. Music, technology and social media blogger by...afternoonish. You can read her personal blah blah blahs at her website, MatsieFTW! or harass her via bite sized Twitter messages.