Apple Odd Stuff: Apple Wall Art

I love the internet, there is no limit to the Apple themed items I can find. This week we are focusing on stuff for your wall. I’m not going to lie to you — I own some. I might have to add to my collection though as I’m loving this print.

Want something more traditional? How about a Macintosh ll linocut print?

I’m liking this Letterpress “A is for Apple”.

If you love that iconic “Hello” message you might like this “An Apple a day” print.

A new twist on an old saying: “Keep Calm and Mac on”.

This one is beautifully typeset and useful! The suitable for framing Mac OS X shortcuts print.

I’m still in the beginning of Steve’s biography but knowing about the LSD I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Steve himself might have liked this one.

I was excited to find this print as we have featured Ken Fager more than a few times on Flickr Find Friday here at Macgasm.

This print should be on every young adult’s wall. I love this Steve Jobs quote.

I’m comfortable saying that Steve was probably a more cautious bicyclist. Just sayin’.

Here this artist combined Steve and his iconic Apple logo.

Hope you like my finds. If you come across any awesome Apple items or even those that makes you say WTF, shoot me an email at and we’ll feature it!

Apple Systems Admin for mac-fusion, which is just a fancy name for a tech. For the last 12 years I've been fixing Macs and we specialize in helping businesses run their company on a Mac. If you like Mac tweets,… Full Bio