Starbucks app now accepting payments

Starbucks are real stars in the app world. They are now accepting payments at outlets in the U.S. through their free iPhone app.

About eight months back, Starbucks had a pilot program that was expanded from Seattle and Silicon Valley to all of their caffeine dispensing outlets. With this app, you can pay for your coffee addiction just by using the app. Check out the video below to watch the magic happen.

The app is actually linked to your Starbucks account card which will display a unique barcode just for your account. You only need to point this barcode at the scanner and it will take out the funds. This is a pretty great idea because it means that it won’t be waving your payment details around via WiFi or Bluetooth. Because of that, I think it will mean more people will take it up for a try because often it is security issues or payment transactions where people get nervous.

If this all does work as seamless as it appears to, I’m sure that it will actually increase their customer base a fair bit. I know I would feel more likely to have loyalty to a company that has made it so easy to pay. Please roll this out to other countries!

Article Via TUAW

Chatty Canadian in the UK. Dancing queen in my head. Digital Communications Lecturer. Mac computer fan. Mac makeup fan. iOS developer. Popcorn eater. Was producer & host of quirky app review show Apps & Hats.