Free $2 AmazonMP3 Credit

Want a couple 0f free songs for your iPod? Amazon’s got you covered. For the next few days, Amazon and IMDB are offering an AmazonMP3 promotion that gives Twitter users $2 in free MP3 credit. All one has to do to get this credit is head over to Amazon’s promo page and click the yellow button labeled “Get Your $2 Credit”. This button is located towards the center of the page. When you click on this button you will be taken to a Twitter sign-in page where you can tweet Amazon’s message and follow IMDB and AmazonMP3. Once you’ve done this, your AmazonMP3 credit will be automatically applied to your account.. You can now use your free credit to download music from the AmazonMP3 store. This credit will expire on July 27, 2012, so make sure you use it quickly!

Want to get the most out of your free AmazonMP3 credit? Amazon currently has a few promotions going on such as $0.25 songs and $2.99 albums. After you’ve redeemed your free AmazonMP3 credit, tell us what you bought in the comments below this post!


Andrew is a geek, Apple enthusiast, blogger and coffee lover from Chicago.