Free iPhone 3GS starting today at Best Buy

Best Buy stores around the country are going to be offering a free iPhone 3GS starting today, to customers agreeing to be bound to a new 2-year contract with AT&T. While advertised on the company’s website, the offer is not available for shipping and must take place in-store.

A free iPhone deal could be the beginning of a new pricing model by Apple that will allow them to corner an untapped market of consumers who only ever grab their carrier’s free phones. Then again, it could also just be a way to blow through stock in anticipation for the launch of iPhone 5.

Released in 2009, the iPhone 3GS sported 256MB of RAM, a 600MHz CPU, 3-MP camera and a 480×320 screen. Released as a follow-up to the iPhone 3G, it blew the doors off of its predecessor, outperforming it exponentially in some instances.

Apple is fully expected to launch the iPhone 5 in the next couple of months and rumors have been widespread about what the new device will look like. We will obviously keep you up to date at every turn.

Source: Best Buy
Via: All Things D

Josh is the Social Media Director and Sr. Systems Engineer for a startup toy company. He is freakishly into just about anything tech related. When he's not writing, he can be found inventing products at Quirky, or doing 3D renders… Full Bio